Frontier insurance application 

I hereby apply for frontier insurance with HUK-COBURG-Allgemeine Versicherung AG, effective from the date of my application, at a price equivalent to €30 per month. The total amount for the validity period will be debited as a one-off payment. Period of insurance until 31/05/2025 at the latest.

My vehicle has been in Germany for less than 1 year/I have been granted an exemption/I will apply for an exemption. I will terminate the frontier insurance on my own initiative as soon as my vehicle has been in Germany for 1 year and there is no exemption / an exemption has been rejected.

Your personal details

Email address

We need your email address to send you your certificate of frontier insurance and for our further communication.

Ort wird automatisch ermittelt

Mobile number

We need your mobile number for our further communication with you.

Bank details

Please state the IBAN and BIC of the account from which we may debit the amount for the entire duration (equivalent to €30 per month). This is required to ensure that insurance cover can be provided.
Please note: We can only accept bank accounts in Germany or in the EU, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Your vehicle details

Details of your passenger car

Details of your trailer